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The Magic of Synchronicity

Have you ever gotten a phone call and known who it was before looking at the caller ID? Ever had the same person, book, movie, phrase or number come up in numerous seemingly unrelated ways? Ever had a dream or strong hunch about future events that turned out to be perfectly accurate?

Synchronicity is the concept, popularized by psychologist Carl Jung, that "events are 'meaningful coincidences' if they occur with no causal relationship yet seem to be meaningfully related". They have also been called "signs", "omens", "messages", Etc.

In my experience synchronicity tends to occur more frequently when we're focused on a goal we're passionate about, when we're living outside our comfort zone and when we think about, talk about or otherwise focus on it.

I've also seen in my 10+ years as a Feng Shui consultant that when people improve the energy in their space they experience more synchronicity.

I was not always a believer in synchronicity, but had my eyes opened by personal experience.

I had a vivid, very detailed dream one night about arriving at work and a very specific sequence of events occurring. One example was a co-worker, who I never saw stand on a ladder on any other occasion in several years of working with him, standing on a ladder in a specific place talking to another specific co-worker standing in another specific place nearby (within a very large retail store).

The next morning right after I arrived at work that very same extremely specific sequence of events occurred! This included the ladder scene, my exact movements and many other events happening EXACTLY as they had in the dream!

The odds of something like that occurring by random chance seemed incalculable. What happened that day was so shocking I was forced to change my worldview. From then on the floodgates opened, and synchronicity became a common experience.

Another example occurred when I launched my first small business and was using posters to advertise (printed in the correct Feng Shui colors). I put up a hundred or so all over the area where I lived. I also put one up in my personal Feng Shui success direction at home in order to attract clients.

That night I had a dream in which I was putting one of the posters up on a bulletin board in a place I’d never physically been to (it was a building on a local college campus). I interpreted the dream as a message and went to check it out.

Sure enough there was a bulletin board there, like I’d dreamed. I put one of my vibrant fire-colored posters up. The first call I got in response to any of the posters was from that specific one! The story is a good example of how Feng Shui aligns a person with serendipity and good luck, and the importance of 'listening' to synchronicity.

I and my clients have had countless similar experiences since.

Action Step: Ask For Synchronicity

Think of an issue or decision you'd like guidance with. Make it something that feels important, whether it be a work/career related decision, an issue in a close relationship, a health problem Etc. Take a deep breath and relax.

Now think of the ideal outcome you'd like to manifest-More clarity in your work, a win-win solution for you and the other person, finding the ideal doctor, supplement or therapy Etc.

Once you feel clear, ask your higher power to show you the right course of action. Your higher power might be God, the universe, your higher self, your sub-conscious or something else. Take a deep breath, let go and trust that it will appear.

The message could come in many ways-through a dream, through an email or text you receive, literally from a sign you see, a conversation you overhear, a fortune cookie.. At times I've seen license plates that were remarkably synchronous.

The novel "The Celestine Prophecy" and sequels my James Redfield are also excellent guides in manifesting and working with synchronicity in our lives. Though fictional they are highly practical toolbooks and are consistent with my experiences.

I'd love to hear about your experiences with synchronicity and this exercise!
