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Showing posts from February, 2018

The Magic of Synchronicity

Have you ever gotten a phone call and known who it was before looking at the caller ID? Ever had the same person, book, movie, phrase or number come up in numerous seemingly unrelated ways? Ever had a dream or strong hunch about future events that turned out to be perfectly accurate? Synchronicity is the concept, popularized by psychologist Carl Jung, that "events are 'meaningful coincidences' if they occur with no causal relationship yet seem to be meaningfully related". They have also been called "signs", "omens", "messages", Etc. In my experience synchronicity tends to occur more frequently when we're focused on a goal we're passionate about, when we're living outside our comfort zone and when we think about, talk about or otherwise focus on it. I've also seen in my 10+ years as a Feng Shui consultant that when people improve the energy in their space they experience more synchronicity. I was not alway